"Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at things." Walt Disney

It’s All About the Bling
My husband and I finally got around to the long-delayed project of hanging up all of our finisher medals in our exercise room.The intention was for inspiration walls that I can look at while I’m struggling through a peloton workout or just need to remind myself that I can do hard things.

Other People Don’t Get to Decide Who You Are
Many years ago when I was a law student, I worked as an intern. One day the main boss, who I had little contact with, called me in and told me I had no long term future as a lawyer. He didn’t outright fire me, but he told me I should consider quitting. I felt like I was going to pass out. It actually took my breath away in that moment, like if you’ve ever been punched in the stomach and you struggle to breathe.

Goodbye 2024 : Welcome 2025 – The Year of New and Exciting Adventures?
Another year has passed. In fact, they seem to be moving faster and faster. Wasn’t it just 2020? I know I’m not the only one who feels this way since “time flies” has become such a common statement.

All the Small Things
A recent event got me thinking about the small things that make me happy, both in the moment, but also throughout my daily life. I know that allowing myself to notice these small things and to enjoy them on a daily basis is so important to overall happiness.

Don’t Lose Yourself
I had lunch with a friend recently and we ran into a woman who knew my girlfriend. They caught up quickly laughing about how quickly summer was passing. Then their conversation went to what happens after their kids leave for college next year. The idea of finding hobbies to fill time all the expected free time was thrown out. “Hobbies?” she said. “What are hobbies?” as she laughed.
My question is, why are we laughing at this?

The Advice is Always to Simplify Your Life to Make It Better, but what Does that Look Like?
There seems to be so much advice out there about simplifying your life to reduce stress or to achieve happiness, but what does that mean exactly?
I suppose it’s different for everyone, but no matter who you are it’s not an easy prospect.

The Most Rewarding Foster Fail
Our sweet, gentle soul, Gramps, has left the world.
We are heartbroken, but so full of gratitude for the 4 incredible years the universe gave us to spoil him and give him the best final chapter to his life. We never knew what his journey was like before us, but we knew it had been rough.

Finding Happiness: Always a Work in Progress
This past weekend I was able to watch both my son and my stepdaughter doing things they truly love. There is something heartwarming about watching your children doing things that bring them joy.

Life-Long Friends Keep Your Heart Full
I spent the past weekend with friends, many who have known me since I was 17 years old. It was a rejuvenating, albeit exhausting, weekend filled with laughter and love. I left with my bucket and my heart full and already looking forward to next year’s trip.

The Stress of New Years Eve
I have mixed feelings about New Years Eve.
I’ve always felt this pressure to celebrate New Year’s Eve with others and to make a big production of the night. Maybe you feel the same way. Or maybe you are one of the lucky ones who have successfully avoided this pressure. I am not.

I Love Fall, but Don’t Love Pumpkin Spice
I love Fall, but don’t love pumpkin spice
There I said it. I also like candy corn.

Life With Three Senior Dogs: Sometimes You Just Need a Break From Them Too!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a dog person.
I grew up with dogs my entire life and when I first moved in with my husband, we had a total of 4 dogs all in one very small townhouse. I came with 2, he had 1 and then we ended up with 1 other together. I admit, that was too many dogs. We’re down to three and they are all senior citizens with missing teeth and various minor ailments.

Our Trip to an Arizona Dude Ranch
My husband and I just spent several days and nights at the Double R dude ranch in Benson, Arizona.
This was something Tim has wanted to do for some time, he loves everything cowboy and western. If you are even remotely interested, I would highly recommend a dude ranch for something completely different. And this one in particular was wonderful.

I Have Complicated Feelings About Hiking
I have complicated feelings about hiking. My husband and I just took a trip to Maine, and we did a lot of hikes. Truthfully, I hated doing it at times, but I loved to have done it. Does that make sense?

My Visit to an Ashram
I started visiting the Yogaville ashram years ago. I went with a friend because it was on my list of things I wanted to try. I have returned almost every year since then, sometimes with a friend and sometimes alone. It is my calm, peaceful, restorative place.

Why I Love Goin’ Downy Ocean
I love Ocean City, Maryland. I truly do.
I have gone every year since I was a baby, and I can’t imagine not going every summer. I know there are nicer beaches and beaches I have yet to explore, but there is just something about goin’ downy ocean, hon that fills me with excitement.

Going for a Walk: My Daily Practice for Peace and Wellness
This year I started a daily walking routine and I am pretty obsessed. I started this when I was recovering from carpel tunnel surgery and every other type of exercise seemed to hurt me. I started with just walking and now I’m actually power walking and I love it.

Reverse Nesting is a Real Thing
Reverse nesting is a real thing. Just ask my husband and my kids.
I have been working on decluttering and getting rid of things at a rather frenetic pace at times in the past year. My husband might even use the word driven.

I Hate My Scale
I hate my scale.
How many women have made that simple statement over and over? Either out loud to the actual scale on inside their heads? I’d say plenty

Why I Take Mental Health Days and You Should Too
I take mental health days. These are days where I take off of work, often when the weather is nice, and I simply take care of myself and do a mental reboot. Life is short.
How full is YOUR bucket?
This really makes a difference in your happiness level! If you are unfamiliar with the concept check out the book “How full is your bucket?” by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton (it even comes in a kid’s version). We both read this book and greatly agreed with the general concept that each of us has a bucket that is constantly being filled or emptied, depending on our interactions with others. When our bucket is full we feel great, but when it is empty, we feel awful (p 15). How do we keep it full? Spend some time thinking about the things that make you happiest and check back here for tips!
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Remember that being grateful actually makes your brain happy!
Need more evidence check out this article:
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Ralph Waldo Emerson